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Housing first

Access to accommodation is a prerequisite before any steps can be taken towards social integration.

Our four major action principles :

1- The association is the owner of the apartments.
There are several upsides to this capacity as owner: avoiding donations to be wasted in “rent”, ability to take action swiftly when a decision is required…

2- These apartments must meet three specific criteria :
They are disseminated across the city. A beneficiary will thus be included in the city’s society and natural social diversity.
They are one-room (T1 bis) or two-room (T2) apartments. They are each adequately comfortable and large enough for one adult to live in with or without children.
They are close to public transports. This promotes the beneficiaries’ mobility.

3- A symbolic contribution is requested from the beneficiaries.
This contribution is based on each person’s income level, its aim is to make the beneficiaries feel “at home.”

4- The beneficiaries are granted accommodation with no fixed limited term.
The average period of tenancy ranges between 2-3 years, and it is reassessed every three months, on a case by case basis, based on the objectives achieved in terms of social integration. Upon completion of the social integration actions, Toit à Moi helps the beneficiary find standard accommodation (controlled-rent housing or traditional rented accommodation) and can provide continued support and counseling, if necessary.

" I have been living in this apartment for a few months, and I can enjoy my life again. I am full of hope!

                                   S., a beneficiary since 2017

Discover the apartments

Housing projects

durablement pour aider à construire
un nouveau projet de vie

Tisser des liens

boire un café, partager un repas
aller à un concert… Des activités
simples pour sortir de l'exclusion
