What is corporate sponsorship ?
By making a donation, your business supports Toit à Moi’s action and is eligible for a tax credit.
Any companies subject to corporate or income tax that make a donation to Toit à Moi are eligible for a 60% tax credit, up to 0.5% of their turnover. If their donation exceeds that limit within a given fiscal year, the related tax credit can be spread over a period of 5 fiscal years from the donation year.
Toit à Moi associates businesses to its action in very practical ways. Your business’ commitment alongside Toit à Moi will enhance its social responsibility as part of your corporate environmental and social responsibility actions. By endorsing Toit à Moi, corporate sponsors make a statement in favor of diversity and togetherness in each territory.
Find out about Yves Gillet’s experience as
a Toit à Moi corporate sponsor :
Several levels of commitment :
From and above €50,000/year (actual cost: €20,000 including tax credits)
Funding the launch of a new branch located in your territory
Contributing to the association’s development and expansion
Greater corporate sponsors
Between €20,000 and €50,000/year (actual cost: between €6,800 and €17,000 including tax credits)
Taking part in the association’s development and expansion
Perpetuating our action within your territory
Corporate sponsors
Between €1,000 and €20,000/year (actual cost: between €400 and €8,000 including tax credits)
Funding support and counseling for the beneficiaries
Co-funding apartments
Direct financial support for the beneficiaries (training and education programs, driving lessons, specific projects...)
Le mécénat d'insertion professionnelle :
une nouvelle manière de s'engager auprès de Toit à Moi
Toit à Moi lance "Emploi pour Toit", un programme de mécénat d'insertion professionnelle pour d'anciens sans-abri.
Notre idée : proposer à des entreprises mécènes d'aider les personnes que l'on accompagne à retrouver le chemin de l'emploi. Vous pouvez nous aider en proposant : - des stages en immersion, - des enquêtes métier, - des simulations d'entretien d'embauche - etc... On recherche dès à présent des mécènes prêts à nous accompagner.
Vous êtes intéressés ? Contactez Jean-Marc Bestin :
Courir pour Toit : la 4ème édition commence !
Engagez vos collaborateurs autour de ce challenge sportif et solidaire !
You are a business leader ?
You too are shocked by homeless people’s situation and want to do something about it?
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