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[node:author] marguerite maury
[node:author:account-name] marguerite maury
[node:author:field_adresse] 19 rue eugene tessier
[node:author:field_adresse:value] 19 rue eugene tessier
[node:author:field_civilite] Madame
[node:author:field_civilite:value] mme
[node:author:field_cp] 44100
[node:author:field_cp:value] 44100
[node:author:created] Mon 26/11/2018 - 16:22
[node:author:created:html_year] 2018
[node:author:created:html_datetime] 2018-11-26T16:22:27+0000
[node:author:created:html_date] 2018-11-26
[node:author:created:html_yearless_date] 11-26
[node:author:created:fallback] Mon, 11/26/2018 - 16:22
[node:author:created:html_time] 16:22:27
[node:author:created:long] 26 November 2018
[node:author:created:medium] Mon 26/11/2018 - 16:22
[node:author:created:html_month] 2018-11
[node:author:created:raw] 1543249347
[node:author:created:html_week] 2018-W48
[node:author:created:short] 26/11/2018 - 16:22
[node:author:created:since] 6 years 2 months
[node:author:name] marguerite maury
[node:author:display-name] marguerite maury
[node:author:last-login] Thu 30/01/2020 - 14:05
[node:author:last-login:html_year] 2020
[node:author:last-login:html_datetime] 2020-01-30T14:05:55+0000
[node:author:last-login:html_date] 2020-01-30
[node:author:last-login:html_yearless_date] 01-30
[node:author:last-login:fallback] Thu, 01/30/2020 - 14:05
[node:author:last-login:html_time] 14:05:55
[node:author:last-login:long] 30 January 2020
[node:author:last-login:medium] Thu 30/01/2020 - 14:05
[node:author:last-login:html_month] 2020-01
[node:author:last-login:raw] 1580393155
[node:author:last-login:html_week] 2020-W05
[node:author:last-login:short] 30/01/2020 - 14:05
[node:author:last-login:since] 5 years
[node:author:field_nom] maury
[node:author:field_nom:value] maury
[node:author:field_profil] Particulier
[node:author:field_profil:value] part
[node:author:field_prenom] marguerite
[node:author:field_prenom:value] marguerite
[node:author:roles] authenticated, administrateur_du_site
[node:author:roles:count] 2
[node:author:roles:first] authenticated
[node:author:roles:join-path] authenticated/administrateurdusite
[node:author:roles:keys] authenticated, administrateur_du_site
[node:author:roles:keys:count] 2
[node:author:roles:keys:first] authenticated
[node:author:roles:keys:join-path] authenticated/administrateurdusite
[node:author:roles:keys:last] administrateur_du_site
[node:author:roles:keys:reversed] administrateur_du_site, authenticated
[node:author:roles:last] administrateur_du_site
[node:author:roles:reversed] administrateur_du_site, authenticated
[node:author:roles:reversed:count] 2
[node:author:roles:reversed:first] administrateur_du_site
[node:author:roles:reversed:join-path] administrateurdusite/authenticated
[node:author:roles:reversed:keys] administrateur_du_site, authenticated
[node:author:roles:reversed:last] authenticated
[node:author:field_telephone] 0768279049
[node:author:field_telephone:value] 0768279049
[node:author:url:args] , user, 28
[node:author:url:args:count] 2
[node:author:url:args:first] user
[node:author:url:args:join-path] user/28
[node:author:url:args:keys] 0, 1
[node:author:url:args:last] 28
[node:author:url:args:reversed] 28, user
[node:author:url:path] /user/28
[node:author:url:relative] /fr/user/28
[node:author:url:unaliased:args] , user, 28
[node:author:url:unaliased:path] /user/28
[node:author:url:unaliased:relative] /fr/user/28
[node:author:uid] 28
[node:author:field_ville] nantes
[node:author:field_ville:value] nantes
[node:nid] 43
[node:content-type] Page standard
[node:content-type:machine-name] page_standard
[node:content-type:name] Page standard
[node:content-type:node-count] 1



You are a private individual ?

You can become a Toit à Moi donor.
In practice this means making voluntary donations, which are 100% invested towards the purchase and upkeep of apartments.

3 good reasons to join us :

  • Give practical help to people in situations of extreme exclusion to change lives for good;
  • Contribute to the association’s sound economics and towards its financial independence vis-à-vis public policies; 
  • … while being eligible for tax credits of up to 75% of the amount of your donation (article 200 of the French Tax Code).

Thanks to your donation,
Colette and her mom finally have their own home.


How does it work?

  • You can make an individual donation or a monthly donation. Regular donors are called “sponsors”.
  • While there is no contractual commitment, the preferred period of sponsorship is 5 years. This period corresponds to that of the mortgage for an apartment.
  • We can buy a new apartment provided we have the minimum number of sponsors required. Sponsorships obtained before the acquisition of an apartment are earmarked and then paid towards mortgage repayment.
  • You freely determine the amount of your donation (e.g., most people donate €20/month, i.e., an actual cost of €5/month including tax credits). We would rather have sponsors make small, regular donations than larger one-off donations.

We need an average of 100 sponsors who each give an average of €20/month over a period of 5 years in order to be able to buy an apartment.

For an annual donation of €240 (i.e., €20/month), you are eligible for a €180 tax credit. So, the actual cost for you is €60 (i.e., €5/month).

Make a donation


Service donateur

Si vous avez des questions sur les actions de l'association ou sur votre don, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par email ( ou en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous :

► Nous contacter


Donnez en toute confiance

Toit à Moi est labelisée par le Don en Confiance, organisme de contrôle des associations et fondations faisant appel aux dons : à ce titre, Toit à Moi se soumet volontairement et annuellement au contrôle de cet organisme qui lui délivre son label "Don en Confiance".

La labellisation du Don en Confiance implique le respect de 4 grands principes :

  • Respect du donateur
  • Transparence
  • Recherche d’efficacité
  • Probité et désintéressement


Pour plus d’infos :

Logo du label "don en confiance"




[node:field_contenu:0:entity] Donors > Contenu
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:created] Thu 22/11/2018 - 16:59
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:behavior_settings] a:0:{}
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:revision_default] On
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:default_langcode] Off
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:id] 135
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:langcode] En
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:type] Entête
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:parent_field_name] field_contenu
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:parent_id] 43
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:parent_type] node
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:status] Activé
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:revision_id] 135
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:revision_translation_affected] On
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:field_titre] DONORS
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:content_translation_outdated] Off
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:content_translation_source] Fr
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:uuid] 4892bbea-a1d4-45a9-bed1-c41aa8983e80
[node:field_contenu:0:target_id] 135
[node:field_contenu:0:target_revision_id] 135

You are a private individual ?

You can become a Toit à Moi donor.
In practice this means making voluntary donations, which are 100% invested towards the purchase and upkeep of apartments.

3 good reasons to join us :

  • Give practical help to people in situations of extreme exclusion to change lives for good;
  • Contribute to the association’s sound economics and towards its financial independence vis-à-vis public policies; 
  • … while being eligible for tax credits of up to 75% of the amount of your donation (article 200 of the French Tax Code).
[node:field_contenu:1:entity] Donors > Contenu
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:created] Thu 22/11/2018 - 16:59
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:behavior_settings] a:0:{}

You are a private individual ?

You can become a Toit à Moi donor.
In practice this means making voluntary donations, which are 100% invested towards the purchase and upkeep of apartments.

3 good reasons to join us :

  • Give practical help to people in situations of extreme exclusion to change lives for good;
  • Contribute to the association’s sound economics and towards its financial independence vis-à-vis public policies; 
  • … while being eligible for tax credits of up to 75% of the amount of your donation (article 200 of the French Tax Code).
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:field_couleur] Blanc
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:revision_default] On
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:default_langcode] Off
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:id] 137
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:langcode] En
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:type] Bloc 1 colonne
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:parent_field_name] field_contenu
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:parent_id] 43
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:parent_type] node
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:status] On
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:revision_id] 137
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:revision_translation_affected] On
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:content_translation_outdated] Off
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:content_translation_source] Fr
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:uuid] 423208b1-bbaa-44bb-8d15-59a91d4e9512
[node:field_contenu:1:target_id] 137
[node:field_contenu:1:target_revision_id] 137

Thanks to your donation,
Colette and her mom finally have their own home.

[node:field_contenu:2:entity] Donors > Contenu
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:created] Mon 10/12/2018 - 14:48
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:behavior_settings] a:0:{}

Thanks to your donation,
Colette and her mom finally have their own home.

[node:field_contenu:2:entity:field_couleur] Rose
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:revision_default] On
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:default_langcode] Off
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:id] 287
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:langcode] En
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:type] Bloc 2 colonnes
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:parent_field_name] field_contenu
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:parent_id] 43
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:parent_type] node
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:status] On
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:revision_id] 288
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:revision_translation_affected] On
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:content_translation_outdated] Off
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:content_translation_source] Fr
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:uuid] 5d5b5770-f44b-4d5e-b60d-3aca7fe978f4
[node:field_contenu:2:target_id] 287
[node:field_contenu:2:target_revision_id] 288
[node:changed] Mon 04/11/2024 - 15:33
[node:changed:html_year] 2024
[node:changed:html_datetime] 2024-11-04T15:33:29+0000
[node:changed:html_date] 2024-11-04
[node:changed:html_yearless_date] 11-04
[node:changed:fallback] Mon, 11/04/2024 - 15:33
[node:changed:html_time] 15:33:29
[node:changed:long] 4 November 2024
[node:changed:medium] Mon 04/11/2024 - 15:33
[node:changed:html_month] 2024-11
[node:changed:raw] 1730734409
[node:changed:html_week] 2024-W45
[node:changed:short] 04/11/2024 - 15:33
[node:changed:since] 2 months 3 weeks
[node:created] Thu 19/09/2019 - 15:35
[node:created:html_year] 2019
[node:created:html_datetime] 2019-09-19T15:35:00+0000
[node:created:html_date] 2019-09-19
[node:created:html_yearless_date] 09-19
[node:created:fallback] Thu, 09/19/2019 - 15:35
[node:created:html_time] 15:35:00
[node:created:long] 19 September 2019
[node:created:medium] Thu 19/09/2019 - 15:35
[node:created:html_month] 2019-09
[node:created:raw] 1568907300
[node:created:html_week] 2019-W38
[node:created:short] 19/09/2019 - 15:35
[node:created:since] 5 years 4 months
[node:langcode] en
[node:vid] 43
[node:title] Donors
[node:source:author] admin
[node:source:author:account-name] admin
[node:source:author:created] Mon 12/11/2018 - 17:55
[node:source:author:created:html_year] 2018
[node:source:author:created:html_datetime] 2018-11-12T17:55:09+0000
[node:source:author:created:html_date] 2018-11-12
[node:source:author:created:html_yearless_date] 11-12
[node:source:author:created:fallback] Mon, 11/12/2018 - 17:55
[node:source:author:created:html_time] 17:55:09
[node:source:author:created:long] 12 November 2018
[node:source:author:created:medium] Mon 12/11/2018 - 17:55
[node:source:author:created:html_month] 2018-11
[node:source:author:created:raw] 1542045309
[node:source:author:created:html_week] 2018-W46
[node:source:author:created:short] 12/11/2018 - 17:55
[node:source:author:created:since] 6 years 2 months
[node:source:author:name] admin
[node:source:author:display-name] admin
[node:source:author:field_youday_id] 1D1EE8DA94F84DC480B76472BD423D42
[node:source:author:field_youday_id:value] 1D1EE8DA94F84DC480B76472BD423D42
[node:source:author:last-login] Wed 09/10/2024 - 11:20
[node:source:author:last-login:html_year] 2024
[node:source:author:last-login:html_datetime] 2024-10-09T11:20:37+0000
[node:source:author:last-login:html_date] 2024-10-09
[node:source:author:last-login:html_yearless_date] 10-09
[node:source:author:last-login:fallback] Wed, 10/09/2024 - 11:20
[node:source:author:last-login:html_time] 11:20:37
[node:source:author:last-login:long] 9 October 2024
[node:source:author:last-login:medium] Wed 09/10/2024 - 11:20
[node:source:author:last-login:html_month] 2024-10
[node:source:author:last-login:raw] 1728472837
[node:source:author:last-login:html_week] 2024-W41
[node:source:author:last-login:short] 09/10/2024 - 11:20
[node:source:author:last-login:since] 3 months 3 weeks
[node:source:author:roles] authenticated, administrateur_du_site
[node:source:author:roles:count] 2
[node:source:author:roles:first] authenticated
[node:source:author:roles:join-path] authenticated/administrateurdusite
[node:source:author:roles:keys] authenticated, administrateur_du_site
[node:source:author:roles:last] administrateur_du_site
[node:source:author:roles:reversed] administrateur_du_site, authenticated
[node:source:author:url:args] , user, 1
[node:source:author:url:path] /user/1
[node:source:author:url:relative] /fr/user/1
[node:source:author:uid] 1
[node:source:nid] 43
[node:source:content-type] Page standard
[node:source:content-type:machine-name] page_standard
[node:source:content-type:name] Page standard
[node:source:content-type:node-count] 1



You are a private individual ?

You can become a Toit à Moi donor.
In practice this means making voluntary donations, which are 100% invested towards the purchase and upkeep of apartments.

3 good reasons to join us :

  • Give practical help to people in situations of extreme exclusion to change lives for good;
  • Contribute to the association’s sound economics and towards its financial independence vis-à-vis public policies; 
  • … while being eligible for tax credits of up to 75% of the amount of your donation (article 200 of the French Tax Code).

Thanks to your donation,
Colette and her mom finally have their own home.


How does it work?

  • You can make an individual donation or a monthly donation. Regular donors are called “sponsors”.
  • While there is no contractual commitment, the preferred period of sponsorship is 5 years. This period corresponds to that of the mortgage for an apartment.
  • We can buy a new apartment provided we have the minimum number of sponsors required. Sponsorships obtained before the acquisition of an apartment are earmarked and then paid towards mortgage repayment.
  • You freely determine the amount of your donation (e.g., most people donate €20/month, i.e., an actual cost of €5/month including tax credits). We would rather have sponsors make small, regular donations than larger one-off donations.

We need an average of 100 sponsors who each give an average of €20/month over a period of 5 years in order to be able to buy an apartment.

For an annual donation of €240 (i.e., €20/month), you are eligible for a €180 tax credit. So, the actual cost for you is €60 (i.e., €5/month).

Make a donation


Service donateur

Si vous avez des questions sur les actions de l'association ou sur votre don, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par email ( ou en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous :

► Nous contacter


Donnez en toute confiance

Toit à Moi est labelisée par le Don en Confiance, organisme de contrôle des associations et fondations faisant appel aux dons : à ce titre, Toit à Moi se soumet volontairement et annuellement au contrôle de cet organisme qui lui délivre son label "Don en Confiance".

La labellisation du Don en Confiance implique le respect de 4 grands principes :

  • Respect du donateur
  • Transparence
  • Recherche d’efficacité
  • Probité et désintéressement


Pour plus d’infos :

Logo du label "don en confiance"




[node:source:field_contenu:0:entity] Nos donateurs > Contenu
[node:source:field_contenu:0:target_id] 135
[node:source:field_contenu:0:target_revision_id] 135

You are a private individual ?

You can become a Toit à Moi donor.
In practice this means making voluntary donations, which are 100% invested towards the purchase and upkeep of apartments.

3 good reasons to join us :

  • Give practical help to people in situations of extreme exclusion to change lives for good;
  • Contribute to the association’s sound economics and towards its financial independence vis-à-vis public policies; 
  • … while being eligible for tax credits of up to 75% of the amount of your donation (article 200 of the French Tax Code).
[node:source:field_contenu:1:entity] Nos donateurs > Contenu
[node:source:field_contenu:1:target_id] 137
[node:source:field_contenu:1:target_revision_id] 137

Thanks to your donation,
Colette and her mom finally have their own home.

[node:source:field_contenu:2:entity] Nos donateurs > Contenu
[node:source:field_contenu:2:target_id] 287
[node:source:field_contenu:2:target_revision_id] 288
[node:source:changed] Mon 04/11/2024 - 15:34
[node:source:changed:html_year] 2024
[node:source:changed:html_datetime] 2024-11-04T15:34:10+0000
[node:source:changed:html_date] 2024-11-04
[node:source:changed:html_yearless_date] 11-04
[node:source:changed:fallback] Mon, 11/04/2024 - 15:34
[node:source:changed:html_time] 15:34:10
[node:source:changed:long] 4 November 2024
[node:source:changed:medium] Mon 04/11/2024 - 15:34
[node:source:changed:html_month] 2024-11
[node:source:changed:raw] 1730734450
[node:source:changed:html_week] 2024-W45
[node:source:changed:short] 04/11/2024 - 15:34
[node:source:changed:since] 2 months 3 weeks
[node:source:created] Thu 22/11/2018 - 16:59
[node:source:created:html_year] 2018
[node:source:created:html_datetime] 2018-11-22T16:59:04+0000
[node:source:created:html_date] 2018-11-22
[node:source:created:html_yearless_date] 11-22
[node:source:created:fallback] Thu, 11/22/2018 - 16:59
[node:source:created:html_time] 16:59:04
[node:source:created:long] 22 November 2018
[node:source:created:medium] Thu 22/11/2018 - 16:59
[node:source:created:html_month] 2018-11
[node:source:created:raw] 1542905944
[node:source:created:html_week] 2018-W47
[node:source:created:short] 22/11/2018 - 16:59
[node:source:created:since] 6 years 2 months
[node:source:langcode] fr
[node:source:vid] 43
[node:source:title] Nos donateurs
[node:source:url:args] , support-us, donors
[node:source:url:args:count] 2
[node:source:url:args:first] support-us
[node:source:url:args:join-path] support-us/donors
[node:source:url:args:keys] 0, 1
[node:source:url:args:last] donors
[node:source:url:args:reversed] donors, support-us
[node:source:url:path] /support-us/donors
[node:source:url:relative] /fr/sengager/donateurs
[node:source:url:unaliased:args] , node, 43
[node:source:url:unaliased:path] /node/43
[node:source:url:unaliased:relative] /fr/node/43
[node:url:args] , support-us, donors
[node:url:args:count] 2
[node:url:args:first] support-us
[node:url:args:join-path] support-us/donors
[node:url:args:keys] 0, 1
[node:url:args:keys:count] 2
[node:url:args:keys:join-path] 0/1
[node:url:args:keys:last] 1
[node:url:args:keys:reversed] 1, 0
[node:url:args:last] donors
[node:url:args:reversed] donors, support-us
[node:url:args:reversed:count] 2
[node:url:args:reversed:first] donors
[node:url:args:reversed:join-path] donors/support-us
[node:url:args:reversed:keys] 1, 0
[node:url:args:reversed:last] support-us
[node:url:path] /support-us/donors
[node:url:relative] /en/support-us/donors
[node:url:unaliased:args] , node, 43
[node:url:unaliased:args:count] 2
[node:url:unaliased:args:first] node
[node:url:unaliased:args:join-path] node/43
[node:url:unaliased:args:keys] 0, 1
[node:url:unaliased:args:last] 43
[node:url:unaliased:args:reversed] 43, node
[node:url:unaliased:path] /node/43
[node:url:unaliased:relative] /en/node/43