Token | Value |
[node:field_accroche] | |
[node:author] | marguerite maury |
[node:author:account-name] | marguerite maury |
[node:author:field_adresse] | 19 rue eugene tessier |
[node:author:field_adresse:value] | 19 rue eugene tessier |
[node:author:field_civilite] | Madame |
[node:author:field_civilite:value] | mme |
[node:author:field_cp] | 44100 |
[node:author:field_cp:value] | 44100 |
[node:author:created] | Mon 26/11/2018 - 16:22 |
[node:author:created:html_year] | 2018 |
[node:author:created:html_datetime] | 2018-11-26T16:22:27+0000 |
[node:author:created:html_date] | 2018-11-26 |
[node:author:created:html_yearless_date] | 11-26 |
[node:author:created:fallback] | Mon, 11/26/2018 - 16:22 |
[node:author:created:html_time] | 16:22:27 |
[node:author:created:long] | 26 November 2018 |
[node:author:created:medium] | Mon 26/11/2018 - 16:22 |
[node:author:created:html_month] | 2018-11 |
[node:author:created:raw] | 1543249347 |
[node:author:created:html_week] | 2018-W48 |
[node:author:created:short] | 26/11/2018 - 16:22 |
[node:author:created:since] | 6 years 3 months |
[node:author:name] | marguerite maury |
[node:author:display-name] | marguerite maury |
[node:author:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/28/edit |
[node:author:mail] | marguerite.maury@toitamoi.net |
[node:author:last-login] | Thu 30/01/2020 - 14:05 |
[node:author:last-login:html_year] | 2020 |
[node:author:last-login:html_datetime] | 2020-01-30T14:05:55+0000 |
[node:author:last-login:html_date] | 2020-01-30 |
[node:author:last-login:html_yearless_date] | 01-30 |
[node:author:last-login:fallback] | Thu, 01/30/2020 - 14:05 |
[node:author:last-login:html_time] | 14:05:55 |
[node:author:last-login:long] | 30 January 2020 |
[node:author:last-login:medium] | Thu 30/01/2020 - 14:05 |
[node:author:last-login:html_month] | 2020-01 |
[node:author:last-login:raw] | 1580393155 |
[node:author:last-login:html_week] | 2020-W05 |
[node:author:last-login:short] | 30/01/2020 - 14:05 |
[node:author:last-login:since] | 5 years |
[node:author:field_nom] | maury |
[node:author:field_nom:value] | maury |
[node:author:field_profil] | Particulier |
[node:author:field_profil:value] | part |
[node:author:field_prenom] | marguerite |
[node:author:field_prenom:value] | marguerite |
[node:author:roles] | authenticated, administrateur_du_site |
[node:author:roles:count] | 2 |
[node:author:roles:first] | authenticated |
[node:author:roles:join-path] | authenticated/administrateurdusite |
[node:author:roles:keys] | authenticated, administrateur_du_site |
[node:author:roles:keys:count] | 2 |
[node:author:roles:keys:first] | authenticated |
[node:author:roles:keys:join-path] | authenticated/administrateurdusite |
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[node:author:roles:keys:reversed] | administrateur_du_site, authenticated |
[node:author:roles:last] | administrateur_du_site |
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[node:author:roles:reversed:keys] | administrateur_du_site, authenticated |
[node:author:roles:reversed:last] | authenticated |
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[node:author:field_telephone:value] | 0768279049 |
[node:author:url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/28 |
[node:author:url:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/28 |
[node:author:url:args] | , user, 28 |
[node:author:url:args:count] | 2 |
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[node:author:url:brief] | www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/28 |
[node:author:url:path] | /user/28 |
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[node:author:url:unaliased] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/28 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/28 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:args] | , user, 28 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:brief] | www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/28 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:path] | /user/28 |
[node:author:url:unaliased:relative] | /fr/user/28 |
[node:author:uid] | 28 |
[node:author:field_ville] | nantes |
[node:author:field_ville:value] | nantes |
[node:body] | |
[node:field_projet_categorie] | |
[node:field_categorie_actualite] | |
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[node:content-type:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/admin/structure/types/manage/page_standard |
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[node:content-type:name] | Page standard |
[node:content-type:node-count] | 1 |
[node:field_contenu] |
[node:field_contenu:0] |
[node:field_contenu:0:entity] | Our actions > Contenu |
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:created] | Thu 15/11/2018 - 06:05 |
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:behavior_settings] | a:0:{} |
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[node:field_contenu:0:entity:field_sous_titre] | Providing accommodation, counseling, building social links |
[node:field_contenu:0:entity:field_titre] | OUR ACTIONS |
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[node:field_contenu:0:target_revision_id] | 19 |
[node:field_contenu:1] | Three cornerstonesThe mission that Toit à Moi has set for itself is to help homeless people change lives: Primarily by providing them accommodation in real apartments. And, secondly, by providing efficient and continuing support and counseling to help them solve their specific problems. And, above all, by building social links through simple activities in order to move out of exclusion.
These three cornerstones are essential and inseparable. |
[node:field_contenu:1:entity] | Our actions > Contenu |
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:created] | Thu 22/11/2018 - 15:40 |
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:behavior_settings] | a:0:{} |
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:field_colonne_contenu] | Three cornerstonesThe mission that Toit à Moi has set for itself is to help homeless people change lives: Primarily by providing them accommodation in real apartments. And, secondly, by providing efficient and continuing support and counseling to help them solve their specific problems. And, above all, by building social links through simple activities in order to move out of exclusion.
These three cornerstones are essential and inseparable. |
[node:field_contenu:1:entity:field_couleur] | Blanc |
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[node:field_contenu:2] | |
[node:field_contenu:2:entity] | Nos actions > Contenu |
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:created] | Thu 11/01/2024 - 15:48 |
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:behavior_settings] | a:0:{} |
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:field_colonne_contenu] | |
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[node:field_contenu:2:entity:default_langcode] | On |
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[node:field_contenu:2:entity:langcode] | Fr |
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:type] | Bloc 1 colonne |
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[node:field_contenu:2:entity:content_translation_changed] | Thu 11/01/2024 - 16:05 |
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:content_translation_outdated] | Off |
[node:field_contenu:2:entity:content_translation_source] | Non spécifié |
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[node:field_contenu:2:target_revision_id] | 1996 |
[node:changed] | Thu 11/01/2024 - 15:49 |
[node:changed:html_year] | 2024 |
[node:changed:html_datetime] | 2024-01-11T15:49:06+0000 |
[node:changed:html_date] | 2024-01-11 |
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[node:changed:fallback] | Thu, 01/11/2024 - 15:49 |
[node:changed:html_time] | 15:49:06 |
[node:changed:long] | 11 January 2024 |
[node:changed:medium] | Thu 11/01/2024 - 15:49 |
[node:changed:html_month] | 2024-01 |
[node:changed:raw] | 1704988146 |
[node:changed:html_week] | 2024-W02 |
[node:changed:short] | 11/01/2024 - 15:49 |
[node:changed:since] | 1 year 1 month |
[node:created] | Tue 17/09/2019 - 15:32 |
[node:created:html_year] | 2019 |
[node:created:html_datetime] | 2019-09-17T15:32:27+0000 |
[node:created:html_date] | 2019-09-17 |
[node:created:html_yearless_date] | 09-17 |
[node:created:fallback] | Tue, 09/17/2019 - 15:32 |
[node:created:html_time] | 15:32:27 |
[node:created:long] | 17 September 2019 |
[node:created:medium] | Tue 17/09/2019 - 15:32 |
[node:created:html_month] | 2019-09 |
[node:created:raw] | 1568734347 |
[node:created:html_week] | 2019-W38 |
[node:created:short] | 17/09/2019 - 15:32 |
[node:created:since] | 5 years 5 months |
[node:field_domaine_d_action] | |
[node:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/node/3/edit |
[node:field_fonction] | |
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[node:menu-link] | Our actions |
[node:menu-link:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/admin/structure/menu/item/2/edit |
[node:menu-link:menu] | Navigation principale |
[node:menu-link:menu:description] | Liens de section du site |
[node:menu-link:menu:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/admin/structure/menu/manage/main |
[node:menu-link:menu:machine-name] | main |
[node:menu-link:menu:menu-link-count] | 34 |
[node:menu-link:menu:name] | Navigation principale |
[node:menu-link:title] | Our actions |
[node:menu-link:url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/actions |
[node:menu-link:url:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/actions |
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[node:menu-link:url:brief] | www.toitamoi.net/en/actions |
[node:menu-link:url:path] | /actions |
[node:menu-link:url:relative] | /en/actions |
[node:menu-link:url:unaliased] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/node/3 |
[node:menu-link:url:unaliased:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/node/3 |
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[node:menu-link:url:unaliased:relative] | /en/node/3 |
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[node:vid] | 3 |
[node:log] | |
[node:field_rue] | |
[node:field_rh_reference] | |
[node:field_statut_implantation] | |
[node:summary] | |
[node:title] | Our actions |
[node:source] | |
[node:source:author] | admin |
[node:source:author:account-name] | admin |
[node:source:author:created] | Mon 12/11/2018 - 17:55 |
[node:source:author:created:html_year] | 2018 |
[node:source:author:created:html_datetime] | 2018-11-12T17:55:09+0000 |
[node:source:author:created:html_date] | 2018-11-12 |
[node:source:author:created:html_yearless_date] | 11-12 |
[node:source:author:created:fallback] | Mon, 11/12/2018 - 17:55 |
[node:source:author:created:html_time] | 17:55:09 |
[node:source:author:created:long] | 12 November 2018 |
[node:source:author:created:medium] | Mon 12/11/2018 - 17:55 |
[node:source:author:created:html_month] | 2018-11 |
[node:source:author:created:raw] | 1542045309 |
[node:source:author:created:html_week] | 2018-W46 |
[node:source:author:created:short] | 12/11/2018 - 17:55 |
[node:source:author:created:since] | 6 years 3 months |
[node:source:author:name] | admin |
[node:source:author:display-name] | admin |
[node:source:author:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/1/edit |
[node:source:author:mail] | theobalkwill@gmail.com |
[node:source:author:field_youday_id] | 1D1EE8DA94F84DC480B76472BD423D42 |
[node:source:author:field_youday_id:value] | 1D1EE8DA94F84DC480B76472BD423D42 |
[node:source:author:last-login] | Wed 09/10/2024 - 11:20 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_year] | 2024 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_datetime] | 2024-10-09T11:20:37+0000 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_date] | 2024-10-09 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_yearless_date] | 10-09 |
[node:source:author:last-login:fallback] | Wed, 10/09/2024 - 11:20 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_time] | 11:20:37 |
[node:source:author:last-login:long] | 9 October 2024 |
[node:source:author:last-login:medium] | Wed 09/10/2024 - 11:20 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_month] | 2024-10 |
[node:source:author:last-login:raw] | 1728472837 |
[node:source:author:last-login:html_week] | 2024-W41 |
[node:source:author:last-login:short] | 09/10/2024 - 11:20 |
[node:source:author:last-login:since] | 4 months 2 weeks |
[node:source:author:field_pays] | theobalkwill@gmail.com |
[node:source:author:field_pays:value] | theobalkwill@gmail.com |
[node:source:author:roles] | authenticated, administrateur_du_site |
[node:source:author:roles:count] | 2 |
[node:source:author:roles:first] | authenticated |
[node:source:author:roles:join-path] | authenticated/administrateurdusite |
[node:source:author:roles:keys] | authenticated, administrateur_du_site |
[node:source:author:roles:last] | administrateur_du_site |
[node:source:author:roles:reversed] | administrateur_du_site, authenticated |
[node:source:author:url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/1 |
[node:source:author:url:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/1 |
[node:source:author:url:args] | , user, 1 |
[node:source:author:url:brief] | www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/1 |
[node:source:author:url:path] | /user/1 |
[node:source:author:url:relative] | /fr/user/1 |
[node:source:author:url:unaliased] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/user/1 |
[node:source:author:uid] | 1 |
[node:source:nid] | 3 |
[node:source:content-type] | Page standard |
[node:source:content-type:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/admin/structure/types/manage/page_standard |
[node:source:content-type:machine-name] | page_standard |
[node:source:content-type:name] | Page standard |
[node:source:content-type:node-count] | 1 |
[node:source:field_contenu] |
[node:source:field_contenu:0] |
[node:source:field_contenu:0:entity] | Nos actions > Contenu |
[node:source:field_contenu:0:target_id] | 19 |
[node:source:field_contenu:0:target_revision_id] | 19 |
[node:source:field_contenu:1] | Three cornerstonesThe mission that Toit à Moi has set for itself is to help homeless people change lives: Primarily by providing them accommodation in real apartments. And, secondly, by providing efficient and continuing support and counseling to help them solve their specific problems. And, above all, by building social links through simple activities in order to move out of exclusion.
These three cornerstones are essential and inseparable. |
[node:source:field_contenu:1:entity] | Nos actions > Contenu |
[node:source:field_contenu:1:target_id] | 104 |
[node:source:field_contenu:1:target_revision_id] | 104 |
[node:source:field_contenu:2] | |
[node:source:field_contenu:2:entity] | Nos actions > Contenu |
[node:source:field_contenu:2:target_id] | 1921 |
[node:source:field_contenu:2:target_revision_id] | 1996 |
[node:source:changed] | Thu 11/01/2024 - 16:05 |
[node:source:changed:html_year] | 2024 |
[node:source:changed:html_datetime] | 2024-01-11T16:05:10+0000 |
[node:source:changed:html_date] | 2024-01-11 |
[node:source:changed:html_yearless_date] | 01-11 |
[node:source:changed:fallback] | Thu, 01/11/2024 - 16:05 |
[node:source:changed:html_time] | 16:05:10 |
[node:source:changed:long] | 11 January 2024 |
[node:source:changed:medium] | Thu 11/01/2024 - 16:05 |
[node:source:changed:html_month] | 2024-01 |
[node:source:changed:raw] | 1704989110 |
[node:source:changed:html_week] | 2024-W02 |
[node:source:changed:short] | 11/01/2024 - 16:05 |
[node:source:changed:since] | 1 year 1 month |
[node:source:created] | Thu 15/11/2018 - 06:05 |
[node:source:created:html_year] | 2018 |
[node:source:created:html_datetime] | 2018-11-15T06:05:43+0000 |
[node:source:created:html_date] | 2018-11-15 |
[node:source:created:html_yearless_date] | 11-15 |
[node:source:created:fallback] | Thu, 11/15/2018 - 06:05 |
[node:source:created:html_time] | 06:05:43 |
[node:source:created:long] | 15 November 2018 |
[node:source:created:medium] | Thu 15/11/2018 - 06:05 |
[node:source:created:html_month] | 2018-11 |
[node:source:created:raw] | 1542261943 |
[node:source:created:html_week] | 2018-W46 |
[node:source:created:short] | 15/11/2018 - 06:05 |
[node:source:created:since] | 6 years 3 months |
[node:source:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/node/3/edit |
[node:source:langcode] | fr |
[node:source:menu-link] | Our actions |
[node:source:menu-link:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/admin/structure/menu/item/2/edit |
[node:source:menu-link:menu] | Navigation principale |
[node:source:menu-link:menu:description] | Liens de section du site |
[node:source:menu-link:menu:edit-url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/admin/structure/menu/manage/main |
[node:source:menu-link:menu:machine-name] | main |
[node:source:menu-link:menu:menu-link-count] | 34 |
[node:source:menu-link:menu:name] | Navigation principale |
[node:source:menu-link:title] | Our actions |
[node:source:menu-link:url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/actions |
[node:source:menu-link:url:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/actions |
[node:source:menu-link:url:args] | , actions |
[node:source:menu-link:url:brief] | www.toitamoi.net/en/actions |
[node:source:menu-link:url:path] | /actions |
[node:source:menu-link:url:relative] | /en/actions |
[node:source:menu-link:url:unaliased] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/node/3 |
[node:source:vid] | 3 |
[node:source:title] | Nos actions |
[node:source:url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/actions |
[node:source:url:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/actions |
[node:source:url:args] | , actions |
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[node:source:url:args:last] | actions |
[node:source:url:args:reversed] | actions |
[node:source:url:brief] | www.toitamoi.net/fr/actions |
[node:source:url:path] | /actions |
[node:source:url:relative] | /fr/actions |
[node:source:url:unaliased] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/node/3 |
[node:source:url:unaliased:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/fr/node/3 |
[node:source:url:unaliased:args] | , node, 3 |
[node:source:url:unaliased:brief] | www.toitamoi.net/fr/node/3 |
[node:source:url:unaliased:path] | /node/3 |
[node:source:url:unaliased:relative] | /fr/node/3 |
[node:field_article_type] | |
[node:field_type_de_contrat] | |
[node:field_telephone] | |
[node:url] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/actions |
[node:url:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/actions |
[node:url:args] | , actions |
[node:url:args:count] | 1 |
[node:url:args:first] | actions |
[node:url:args:join-path] | actions |
[node:url:args:keys:count] | 1 |
[node:url:args:last] | actions |
[node:url:args:reversed] | actions |
[node:url:args:reversed:count] | 1 |
[node:url:args:reversed:first] | actions |
[node:url:args:reversed:join-path] | actions |
[node:url:args:reversed:last] | actions |
[node:url:brief] | www.toitamoi.net/en/actions |
[node:url:path] | /actions |
[node:url:relative] | /en/actions |
[node:url:unaliased] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/node/3 |
[node:url:unaliased:absolute] | https://www.toitamoi.net/en/node/3 |
[node:url:unaliased:args] | , node, 3 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:count] | 2 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:first] | node |
[node:url:unaliased:args:join-path] | node/3 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:keys] | 0, 1 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:last] | 3 |
[node:url:unaliased:args:reversed] | 3, node |
[node:url:unaliased:brief] | www.toitamoi.net/en/node/3 |
[node:url:unaliased:path] | /node/3 |
[node:url:unaliased:relative] | /en/node/3 |
[node:field_ville] | |
[node:field_visuel] | |
[node:field_etat] |